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Now Available!  
Coming Out Together - Memoirs on the LGBTQ+ Experience 


I was moved to learn that Open Air Press is publishing a book sharing LGBTQIA coming out stories. It's profoundly important that these unique experiences are shared with the world. We need more literature on this subject matter! 


- Catherine Carlile, Executive Director of the Looking Out Foundation

Catherine Carlile, Executive Director of the Looking Out Foundation

What a remarkable collection of stories, about real people, living their real, most authentic selves. Shannon's bringing together of these collective voices to share their hearts, to touch ours, is nothing short of inspiring. This book is a must read for those coming out, those still in the closet, frankly for all of us; to cry, laugh, and understand love just a bit more deeply.


- Crista Luedtke, Chef, Restaurateur and Hotelier of Boon Brands, Brot and Highlands Resort 

Crista Luedtke, Chef, Restaurateur and Hotelier of Boon Brands, Brot and Highlands Resort 

This collection weaves together the incredibly beautiful, profound, and triumphant stories of Queer existence - which in itself is an act of resiliency, resistance and joy. 


- Joseph Clark, Program Manager at the Oasic Center 

Joseph Clark, Program Manager at the Oasis Center 

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